QUESTION: What time does school get out each day?
ANSWER: Please see our Bell Schedule.
QUESTION: Where can I get a copy of the school calendar?
ANSWER: Click here to view our school calendar.
QUESTION: What is the best way to communicate with my child's teacher?
ANSWER: Check with your child's teacher to figure out their preferred method of communication (phone, or email). You can call the office (562-789-2000) anytime to be connected with their voicemail or click here for a list of teacher emails.
QUESTION: What are the office hours?
ANSWER: Monday - Friday from 7:30am - 4:00pm
QUESTION: I really want my child to attend Hillview, but we don't live in the attendance area. Is it still possible to attend?
ANSWER: Yes, you just need to apply for a permit (inter/intra). Permits are accepted based on grade level availability according to board policy. Click here for specific information about permits for the 2018-2019 school year.
QUESTION: What documents are needed to enroll my child at Hillview?
ANSWER: Click here for a list of needed documents.
QUESTION: Is there an after school program at Hillview?
ANSWER: Yes, Woodcraft Rangers After-School Program is available for after-school care at Hillview. Click here for more information on the Woodcraft Rangers program at Hillview Middle School.
QUESTION: Where can I find information about the food program (breakfast & lunch) at Hillview?
ANSWER: Click here for online access to the Nutrition Services Department. It contains school menus, meal prices, etc.